
Sunday 21 February 2016

Acts of kindness

Acts of Kindness

So here it is the much anticipated second blog for Coalville Express.

Now I have been rattling my brain for a couple of day's to think what would be a good start for us.

So as I have left my mind to wander (Not always a good thing). I then stumbled upon a news feed about a Mothers quest to find a certain "Good Samaritan".

The Story goes: (Taken from Trending BBC)

"A mum who was visiting her sick son in hospital has described how she was left stunned when a Good Samaritan paid a parking fine she had received during her stay."

"Mairi Holden, a mum in Scotland, had to take her son Oscar to hospital on Wednesday night, she didn't expect to have to spend the night. She left her Honda parked on a single yellow line outside the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh.
"Oscar was receiving treatment for some asthma related breathing issues. I stayed with him overnight," Holden told BBC Trending.
By the next day, her son made a full recovery. But when she returned to her car, she saw something on the wind-shield to make the heart sink: not one, but two penalty charge notices.
But - and here's the twist - there was something else, too.
A complete stranger had noticed the family's predicament, and left £25 in cash on the wind-shield. With it was an anonymous handwritten note which read: "Pay it then forget it happened"."
It then goes on to say how she was left "Gob-smacked" and that she set up a Facebook post to find the "Good Samaritan" who did this huge act of kindness.
Well it went viral and 12,000 shares later (At the time of publication) her original post finds it's way of starting something even bigger.
Using the same act of kindness to drive her, Mairi has now started an on-line Just Giving Page to which she hopes to raise £1,000,000.00 for The Sick Kids Friends Foundation. So far she has raised £9756.86 with 697 donations. (At the time this post was published)
sincerely hope that Mairi does get to thank her "Good Samaritan" personally. Also that she does reach her goal.
But this then had me thinking ....
What about the un-sung Heroes in My local area of Coalville ? The people that do so much for other people without a hint of anything in return.
Now I am aware of some the work that our local Volunteer group The Marlene Reid Centre does. For instance they have a program called R.E.A.C.T which if you donate your unused furniture. They will come and collect it from yourself and then sell it at a discounted price. If you are on any means tested benefits you are given an additional discount.
Now I have moved house's a few times and to be honest with you when downsizing I am more than happy to donate something which I no longer use to such a great Charity. 
Bonus to this is that they collect from your home and you are not filling up the tip/skip.
I'm sure that there are many more programs and organisations out there. If you know any please do not hesitate to mention in the comments below. Or even post on our Facebook Page at Coalville Express
Also if you know of anyone that needs that recognition that you believe they deserve please do get in contact. Even if it's your next door neighbour that takes your rubbish out every week. Just that little thank you will always go that extra bit.
I hope that you have enjoyed our second Blog, If there is anything that has been missed or you wish to add please feel free.

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