
Tuesday 1 March 2016

It has Finally Happens.... Leonardo DiCaprio wins an Oscar.

"Oscars 2016 - Leonardo DiCaprio finally claims his Best Actor Award, and Spotlight wins Best Picture "

That is the headlines that has been buzzing around recently. To be honest with you I personally believe it is about bloomin' time.

Having scooped a Golden Globe as well as his success at the Bafta awards. He finally picks up that elusive Oscar after the 6th time being nominated. It was for "Best Actor" in the film called "The Revenant". DiCaprio plays a vengeful fur trapper that had been left for dead by he fellow gentleman after he was attacked by wild Grizzly Bears.

Accepting his Oscar DiCaprio gave an emotive if very obviously pre-written speech about climate changes, which he dedicated to "the people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed".

Over the years of watching DiCaprio's work I have learned to appreciate his acting style and his what seem to be endless ability's. I remember sitting in class watching "Romeo and Juliet" then later Titanic when it was finally released on terrestrial television. In both films I didn't like the roles he played. In my opinion "to corny". 

But as he matured in further roles (or that I had matured in appreciating good acting) I have been found liking a lot of his films. "Catch me if you can" was one of my personal favourites, Followed by "Inception". "Shutter Island" has still kept me thinking every time I watch it. But "The Wolf of Wall Street" Will be my all time favourite to date. A great balance of humour and some thought provoking moments. 

Although I still believe that the Golf Club scene from "The Wolf of Wall Street" which Leo gets in his White Lambo should of won him an Oscar before now. It is great to see that he has finally got one. Here is hoping that he wins more. 

!!!! Congratulations Leo !!!!

Whilst we are still on the subject of Congratulations, In my Local area a small film producing company "The Hamill Brothers" have now confirmed a Premier screening of their film "The Wrong Floor".

It is a UK Grind-house Production about a lad called Danny and his quest to find his father. Here is there IMBD.Com Story line section 
        " Danny's father, a pioneering research scientist, has disappeared. Suspecting foul-play, Danny goes undercover at the research centre where he worked. He soon discovers that there is something sinister at work. It becomes a race against time to save himself, his father and the entire planet! What stands in his way? Gangsters, toxic hobos, shady agents, clown killers, badly dressed desperado chavs, a renegade swat team, street thugs, mad scientists, a news reporter out for blood, a town full of hatred and monster with a taste for dismemberment. Welcome to Haven Port City - It's wrong on so many levels.

I have had the privileged of watching this film Post production. For saying that it has been made on a shoe string budget it is a very impressive film. You would never believe that it probably cost less than £3,000 to make. But we will be doing a full post review of this film soon. But until then go check it out.

It's to be shown at the Phoenix Theatre in Leicester in April 2016. Hopefully we will get all of the gossip of the night and find out if there any more Big Screen movies coming from them. 

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